I'm Single - Can I Still Have fertility treatment in Greece?
by Chrysa Karakosta, last updated 10 Sep 2015,
2 min read
Many women nowadays for various reasons choose to start a family on their own...
With the use of current assisted reproductive technology and donor sperm this option is a reality that can be pursued with high success rates.
The treatment options that are available to make this possible with the use of donor sperm are:
- Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
- In Vitro Fertilisation (own eggs)
- Embryo Donation (use of both egg and sperm donor)
Each one of these techniques differs in many ways: process, cost, success rates. Furthermore each one of these techniques is suitable to specific women and therefore each case should be looked upon on an individual basis to best select which process will have the best possible outcome.
At Newlife IVF in Thessaloniki Greece we collaborate with renowned international sperm banks for our donor sperm samples. These sperm banks fulfill all the necessary requirements set by the European and Greek Laws. All donors are tested extensively and their sperm samples are frozen and quarantined for at least 6 months, at which time certain tests are repeated, to ensure that no new infections have been acquired or have developed during the period of donation.
Two main issues that need to be pointed out regarding the above treatments in single women in Greece are:
- All donors (sperm and egg) are anonymous by Law. Therefore, although one can select a donor according to their blood group and phenotypic characteristics, no identifying data can be disclosed.
- In order for any type of treatment to be performed in a single woman, according to the Greek Law, she must sign a notarial deed in the presence of a notary and an official translator, stating that she is seeking fertility treatment on her own to have a child. This is arranged by us here at Newlife.
If you are single, considering becoming a mother and wish to find out more information about your choices, please contact us here at Newlife IVF in Thessaloniki Greece so that we can assist you in making your dream come true.
Chrysa Karakosta, BSc, MSc
Chrysa is the Lab co-Director at Newlife IVF Greece, in Thessaloniki Greece, from the beginning of 2010 and now heads the International Patient Department.