Stories sent from around the globe 💌️

My husband and i decided on Newlife IVF Greece as there was great reviews of success in newsletters in Serbia as well as on IVF answers. We made contact with NEWLIFE and we were assigned a Serbian International Patient Coordinator Jelica Bukvic, who has been with us for the entire journey. She has streamlined everything for us and answered any questions we had. Nothing was too much for her. …


by Couple


Наша борба да добијемо бебу трајала је преко деценију.
У лечењу инфертилитета обавили смо безброј прегледа, тестова и анализа, но без откривања неког конкретног узрока.
Стога смо покушавали ВТО три пута, у познатим клиникама у Београду и Прагу, сваки пут са неповољним исходом.
Размишљајући шта уопште можемо више да урадимо, решили смо да покушамо и у Грчкој, у Солуну, ове …


Naše putovanje za potomstvo počelo je pre 4godine, krenuli smo sa detaljnim pretragama i analizama. Ustanovljeni su mi policistični jajnici, sve ostalo bilo je u redu. Ginekolog nas je poslao na komisiju za vantelesnu oplodnju, na istoj smo odbijeni jer nismo bili kandidati. I onda panika, sta sada, niko nam ne daje ni savet ni preporuku. Onda sam zahvaljujući Udruženju šansa za roditeljstvo i …


My husband and I were struggling to conceive and had been undergoing treatment in the UK without success. A friend of ours recommended New Life and we decided to go for a face to face consultation down in London. There we met Dr Dovas and Chrysa, who were down to earth, straight talking but hopeful that they would be able to help us.

The pandemic struck and we were in constant contact …

United Kingdom

If you’re in search of an IVF clinic, stop looking you have found the place. The best place, actually! With warm people, great facilities, and excellent overall care. Everything from the initial consultation to the procedures went smoothly, and we are so grateful to Dr Dovas, Chryssa, and the entire team for helping us achieve pregnancy. My husband and I had a lot of questions, and within the …


by Couple


Following multiple unsuccessful attempts to conceive, and frustrations from my previous clinic in Ireland on lack of communication, transparency and professionalism, I took it upon myself to seek treatment abroad. As a single mom, my options were limited, as some countries do not perform treatment for single parents/single moms as in my case. I was determined to find the best affordable clinic …


by Yvonne


My wife and I had been having difficulties conceiving for the past +3years due to male factor infertility. We started researching and came across New Life IVF GREECE. We had a consultation with Dr Dovas and Chrysa, they listened to our issue and looked at our medical file thoroughly and advised that the best treatment for us would be IVF using our own zygote. We then travelled to Greece in May …

United Kingdom

Well what can we say NewLife are truly incredible, and this isn’t just down to us having success, it is down to their approach as a clinic, we were pleasantly surprised there were clinics out there that actually cared about us!

After years of fertility treatment in the UK across two clinics where we were just treated like a number, NewLife restored our faith in fertility clinics.

United Kingdom

After being treated like a number and vending machine at previously used clinics my experience at Newlife was the complete opposite.

From the initial email and Skype appointment until being home and receiving my positive pregnancy test, I felt like an individual and genuinely cared for throughout the entire process. Newlife was terrific at gathering all the relevant information about …


by Carly


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